Holroyd Brass (based near Parramatta) invites brass soloist participants and audience members for a two hour masterclass with leading brass performer (trombone) and educator Dr. Brett Baker.
Tuesday 16th July 2024 – 6pm to 8pm
Tickets for both audience and participants are $12 – available at
Bookings are essential as tickets are limited due to venue capacity.
Holroyd Band Room
Jones Park Complex, 155 Burnett St, Mays Hill 2145
(enter the car park from Lansdowne St).
Players interested in performing for Brett (unaccompanied) and receiving his expert brass knowledge should send a short resume to [email protected] by Monday 8th July for consideration.
All applicants will receive an email response. Performers will be chosen based on suitability for a varied and informative workshop experience.